Rules for 2023
Please read the rules below as some have changed from previous years.

The very first ABAA in 2010 - Photography by Matt Willis - Contrasting Views
Rules for this category may change at any moment to clarify the intention of this category. The intent is to have painters in this category that are in fact amateurs in body painting and will develop under the wings of their mentors during the competition.
The Artist must submit pictures of their work to Maria Mormile -
The Artist must not have entered any live body painting competitions previously.
A mentor is permitted however the mentor must also register with the ABAA.
A mentor cannot paint they must only give advice and cannot touch any equipment.
A mentor can advise more that one Artist however they must register as their mentors before hand.
There will be no ranking in this category only specific awards.
Registering for the Amateur category does not guarantee acceptance. Artists will be notified of their acceptance in this category.
Includes Face Painting, Body Painting & UV Body Painting but not UV Body Painting with Attachments
Rules may be amended at any time for clarification.
FACE PANTING & BODY PAINTING CATEGORIES Set out in this document are the rules for;
Face Painting and Body Painting including & UV Body Painting.
Breaking the rules will result in a reduction of points or disqualification depending onthe severity of the breach.
•In the Face Painting Category the Artist may include the upper chest and neck in their design BUT NOT THE SHOULDERS. Please remember though that it is a Face Painting competition and therefore a substancial amount of the work should be on the face.
•The Artist must register with The Australian Body Art Awards. Places are limited.
•This competition is strictly Brush & Sponge only.
•No attachments, stencils or tracing allowed. In addition the use of a ruler is NOT permitted, even for measuring. Stencils include any instrument that will guide the placement of the paint. For example using the hand as a stencil on the body to outline the shape or to create an imprint of a hand is not permitted.
•Glitter is permitted but NOT liquid bling or chunky glitter.
• Any images painted must not be in breach of copyright laws. While many images are used as references, care must betaken not to reproduces images that are a copy of someone elses artwork.
•Artists may only paint within the time frame of the particular competition they have entered. Artists must be at the painting station at the beginning of the competition and must stop painting once the allocated time has concluded.
•The Artist must work alone. Assistants are not permitted in any category. •Body Painting - 80% of the body must be painted EXCEPT IN THE UV OR AMATEUR COMPETITION.
•Models may not paint themselves. However in the Face Painting Competitions the Artist can paint themselves.
•More than one model can be painted.
•Only professional Face & Body Painting products (including only cosmetic glitter) may be used on the body. Artists will be disqualified and prevented from continuing if they use acrylics. ( eg. used on canvas). This is for the safety of your model.
•The Body Art Artist & model must be 18 years old and have proof of ID. The model must show proof of ID on registration.
•The Face Painting does not have age restrictions.
•All preparations on the model may be made before the beginning of the contest. Eg. Hair & nails. Please note this differs to Special FX Make Up where no preparation is permitted prior to beginning.
•The Artist and Model release forms must be signed before the commencement of the contest.
•A minimum of a g-string must be worn by the Body Art Model. The g-string must be a neutral colour except in the UV category where black is permitted as black mimics the skin colour when the UV lights are on. The
g-string or under pants MUST NOT BE PREPAINTED.
•Each Artist must work within their allocated area and in full view of the public.
•Entrants and models must remain until the Judges decision is announced.
•The judges will be viewing your work during the competition. Officials will be ensuring that the Artists start and finish on time and will notify the Judges if any rules are broken.
•Points will be deducted and or disqualification if the Artist breaks the rules. This will be discussed openly with all contestants. This is to ensure that contestants are aware that they are not at a disadvantage when someone breaks the rules.
•The judges decision is final.
•All work may be photographed, recorded and published by The Australian Body Art Awards. The Australian Body Art Awards has the right to use them for any future advertising and promotional purposes.
Further information for Artists
•Everyone must register when they arrive to receive their pass and sign appropriate forms.
•Artists are encouraged to bring their own model. Please let us know if you need a model.
The following is a list of things allowed in Brush and Sponge
•Sponges are allowed.
•Decorative head wear is allowed, including hats. Decorative headwear should be an extension of the face or body painting. It should not cover the face or the body.
•Nipple guards and or plain skin colour Special FX breast covers. (no patterns)
•False fingernails (must be attached to the nails and not the fingers)
•False Eyelashes (on the eye lid part on the eye where they were intended)
•Wigs and false hair (for the head only)
•Glitter permitted but not liquid bling.
The following is a list of things NOT ALLOWED in Brush and Sponge
•Airbrushing is NOT allowed.
•Attachments of any kind are NOT permitted. NO CRYSTAL DIAMONDS. NO STRING, ELASTIC OR TAPE, except for nipple guards and g-strings.
RULES FOR SPECIAL FX Categories, Includes Special Fx Full Body & Special Fx Makeup
This category is judged with brush & sponge and or Airbrushing techniques with the use of special effects (prosthetics) attached to the body and on the head.
Any images painted must not be in breach of copyright laws. While many images are used as references, care must be taken not to reproduces images that are a copy of someone elses artwork.
This category is specific for special effects adding to, changing and distorting the shape of the body. Examples of this are latex facial attachments, masking, body attachments, anything applied to the body with glue, HOWEVER the aim is to change the shape or the face of the model with the use of prosthetics.
Special Fx full body includes the whole body and 80% must be covered in either body painting and or Special Fx. (combination of both)
Special Fx Make Up can include the Face, Ears, head, Neck and shoulders but does not have to include all these areas.
Prosthetics CANNOT be prepainted
There are no regulations as to what may be attached to the body in this category,but please consider the safety and comfort of your model. All glues must be designed for the body. Models must be able to walk unassisted.
The work of the bodypainting is as important as the Special Effects!
Special Effects are given points when they are combined into the bodypaintingwork, not as separate objects.
The quality of Special Effects and it's application is important not necessarily the size or quantity, however there needs to be a reasonable amount of prothetics for the judges to be able to score "application".
Breaking the rules will result in a reduction of points or disqualification depending onthe severity of the breach.
Both Brush & Sponge & Airbrushing are permitted
However Special Fx, stencils or tracing are NOT ALLOWED
Breaking the rules will result in a reduction of points or disqualification depending onthe severity of the breach.
Brush/Sponge & Airbrushing are permitted in this category.
Hair & nails can be done prior to the competition starting.
The term Costume Painting does not necessarity mean that the artwork needs to look like a costume. It means that you can glue attachments (however NOT PROSTHETICS).
If using both Airbrushing & Brush/sponge any percentage of Brush/Sponge and Airbrushing is allowed in this category. Just remember that a reasonable percentage of the creation needs to be painted for the judges to be able to assess painting techniques.The purpose of the category is to integrate attachments with Face and Body Painting . However, the attachments do not necessarily need to be made from material. The idea is to create an illusion where the attachments and the body painting are all one piece.
Diamonties can be attached to the body or costume part of the design. Bling and glitter can be used on the body and or costume.
Neutral g-strings do not apply in this category, any coloured g-string is allowed.
Models may not paint themselves or assist in the attachments other than help to hold something in place.
All of the Costume/Attachments must be made by the Artist Competing.
Photos (of the process) of the Artist making the costume/Attachments would be highly recommended.
The Artist & model must be 18 years old and have proof of ID.
The model must show proof of ID on registration.
Any images painted must not be in breach of copyright laws. While many images are used as references, care must be taken not to reproduces images that are a copy of someone elses artwork.
This is a fun category where pretty much anything goes except for prosthetics.
All Face/Body Paint must be professional Face & Body Paints and all attachments placed on the body must be adhered with professional body painting glue.
YOUR WORK MUST BE ORIGINAL! However the judges generally will be looking for the following;
Technical expertise, degree of difficulty, originality, creativity, interpretation of theme, composition, use of colour (not how many colours you use) and overall impression. NO ASSISTANTS PERMITTED IN ANY CATEGORY
Face Painting Categories - Brush & Sponge ONLY
CREATIVITY - Idea (uniqueness of the idea), Originality, Use of Colour (not how many colours!) & Composition of the work as well as overall impression - 1 to 30points
THEME: - Interpretation of theme (expression of theme & uniqueness of interpretation) - 1 to 30 points
TECHNICAL EXPERTISE - Quality, (line work & blending etc), Technique, Degree of difficulty - 1 to 40 points TOTAL of 100 points
Body Painting Categories - Brush & Sponge ONLY
CREATIVITY - Idea (uniqueness of the idea), Originality, Use of Colour (not how many colours!) & Composition of the work as well as overall impression - 1 to 30points
THEME: - Interpretation of theme (expression of theme & uniqueness of interpretation) - 1 to 30 points
TECHNICAL EXPERTISE - Quality, (line work & blending etc), Technique, Degree of difficulty - 1 to 40 points TOTAL of 100 points
Special FX Make Up & Full Body - Brush & Sponge or Airbrushing
CREATIVITY - Idea (uniqueness of the idea), Originality, Composition of the work, overall impression 1 to 25 points
THEME - Interpretation of the theme (expression of theme & uniqueness of interpretation) 1 to 25 points
TECHNICAL EXPERTISE - Quality, technique and ability 1 to 25 points
APPLICATION - The use and application of Special Effects 1 to 25 pointsTOTAL of 100 points
UV Body Painting - Brush & Sponge ONLY
CREATIVITY - Idea (uniqueness of the idea), Originality & Composition of the work and UV Effects 1 to 25points
THEME - Interpretation of the theme (expression of theme & uniqueness of interpretation) 1 to 25 points
TECHNICAL EXPERTISE - Quality, technique and ability 1 to 25 points
STAGE PRESENTATION - Over all impression - how the UV is viewed from a distance - does not include the models performance 1 to 25 pointsTOTAL of 100 points
UV Body Painting with Attachments - Brush & Sponge or Airbrushing
CREATIVITY - Idea (uniqueness of the idea), Originality & Composition of the work and UV Effects 1 to 25 points
THEME - Interpretation of the theme (expression of theme & uniqueness of interpretation) 1 to 25 points
TECHNICAL EXPERTISE & APPLICATION - Quality & technique of Body Painting and Integration of costume with Body Painting 1 to 25 points
STAGE PRESENTATION - Over all impression - how the UV is viewed from a distance - does not include the models performance 1 to 25 pointsTOTAL of 100 points
Costume Painting - Brush & Sponge or Airbrushing
CREATIVITY - Idea (uniqueness of the idea), Originality, Composition of the work, overall impression 1 to 25 points
THEME - Interpretation of the theme (expression of theme & uniqueness of interpretation) 1 to 25 points
TECHNICAL EXPERTISE - Quality & technique of the Body Painting 1 to 25 points
APPLICATION - Integration of Costume with Body Art 1 to 25 pointsTOTAL of 100 points