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Models registered for 2015

Artists, if you require a model, please choose your models from this page.  I will then put you in touch with each other.  UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES ARE YOU TO CONTACT THE MODEL DIRECTLY.  In the past this has created confusion and double booking.


Please note:  Artists that have private models need to inform their models that they need to register as well.  This is important in order for them to be given up to date information & ID passes.

Megan Wainwright

Model with dancing experience

Sunday - Body Artist - Lorraine Halse

Mon evening - Face Painting

Helen Bealsey

 Available Post Convention


Sigorney Chase


Sunday - Body Artist - Katrina Spark

Mon evening - Face Painting

 Katrina Spark

Starnow profile


Melanie Gillard


Sunday - International Body Artist

Mon Evening Face Painting

Lindy van Tuil

Pre Convention - Helen Beasley

Available Post Convention

Star Now Profile


Bridgett Cains


Sunday - Body Artist - Sandra Temple

Mon Evening - Face Painting

Brighde Taylor

Pre & Post Convention - Sandra Temple

Star Now Profile


Diluz A


Sunday - Body Artist - Melanie Hughes

Star Now Profile


Anneliese Poggensee


Mon evening Face Painting

Holly O'Donnell



Bevan Jones


Sunday - Body Artist Helen Hazz

Star Now Profile


Chloe Blake


Sunday Body Artist Holly O'Donnell



Jemma Begg


Mon Face Painting by

Warah M. Rashidi

Post Convention Classes

Jess Todd


Available Sunday Body Art

Jess Philcox


Sunday International Body Artist

Available Monday Face Painting

Pre Conv - Daniela Zepeda

Post Convention Classes



Alyssa Campbell


Sunday Body Artist Charlie Bell

Pre Convention - Mark Reid

Post Convention Classes

Morgan Hastwell


Sunday International Body Artist

Mon evening Face Painting

Kristy O'Neil

Post Convention Classes

More Info

Trent Blucher


Available Sunday Body Art

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